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"Hearing a Voice ... Not an Echo!"
"Escuchando una Voz ... ¡No un Eco!"
"Cómo Su Donación Ayuda a los Demás"
Puede HACER CLIC AQUÍ para Ayudar a Apoyar a Nuestra Iglesia
Haga Clic Aquí Para Ver Nuestros Mensajes y Sermones Recientes
(Será llevado a nuestra página de YouTube)

Pastores Steven y Diana
"How Your Gift Helps Others"
"Revival Fires Fall!"
"Oh, Taste and See ... the Lord is Good!"
You and your family are invited to receive a "Now" Word from the Lord as we minister under the prophetic anointing here in La Calera, Colombia!
The Prophetic Word for the Believer!
Healing and Liberation for the Sick and Addicted!
Deliverance and Activation of Spiritual Gifts!
Salvation and Restoration!
Experience the Presence of the Holy Spirit!
Experience the Power of a Holy God!
Experience the presence of Jesus and his Angelic Hosts!
Our Leaders "go with the flow" of the Holy Spirit!
Let the Spirit of God touch you... and set you free!
Dip into the Living River of our Holy God and get clean!
Enjoy your visit to our Web site ...
Drop us a line to let us know that you were here!
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